Baker Free Library

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Baker Free Library

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Featured Exhibit: Touching the Ground by Linda Graham

July 1 - July 27

Art has woven in and out of my life as the constant thread. When in doubt or in joy, I turn to the making of art.


I have drawn since I could hold a pencil and saw the magic it held. My early work was based on my drawings of natural forms, which I translated into stencils. I then used the stencils to create wall designs or individual panels. One exceedingly large example of this work is in the Conservation room of the Weare Town Offices. It is dated 1984.


I am largely self-taught, though I think of it as self-directed. I have followed individual artists, studied with individuals I admire; read and taken classes about technique and history of art. Drawings are an important part of my work, whether I paint in the studio or on location.  Recently I discovered I could paint freely from drawings I made even many years ago. I recall the location and use the drawing as the guide but explore color combinations.


I use gold gesso as a suggestion of mystery and the everlasting. The gold lies beneath appearances.

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The Gallery

The Gallery is a space where we are proud to promote community artists and their work. With ample display space and an open floor plan for added tables, The Gallery can accomodate any size exhibits and art mediums.

The adjacent 1914 Room is an elegant space for Artist Meet & Greets,Talks, and Demonstrations.